In partnership with the Dom Cabral Foundation, the organization evaluated 334 companies from 25 different sectors. Each company was compared with its competitors and with all the companies that were divided into six dimensions: Financial Performance, Corporate Governance, Innovation, People Management, Sustainability and Vision of the Future.
As highlights, MRV&CO reinforced that at the top of its governance structure is a professionalized and diverse board of directors composed of 8 members, four of them independent. None has a position in the executive board, which is an important item of good governance. One of the advisory committees is Governance. Risks and Compliance. The company also has an executive board of sustainability and institutional relations, also responsible for ensuring compliance with the ESG guidelines (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance).
Compliance has become increasingly a common issue among employees. A specific area, created in 2017, trains about the Code of Conduct, Anti-corruption Policy and ensures the implementation of the pillars of an effective Integrity Program. A specific channel was created by the area to answer questions and give guidance on ethics, talk with compliance.
A kind of attestation of good practices is the fact that MRV&CO has been since 2007 when it opened the capital with shares traded in the New Market of B3 where are the companies with the highest level of governance and for the fourth consecutive year own their shares included in the portfolio of the "Index of Sustentabilidade Empresarial" (ISE) from B3.
The Integrity Agenda is a Compliance initiative to bring matters of ethics and integrity to the employees of the tips.
See more29/06/2022
After the selection process, 67 employees were chosen to be spokespersons for compliance in their areas of activity.
See more03/02/2022
With about 4,000 views the live aimed to give greater transparency to the procedures of the Confidential Channel and strengthen its credibility with employees
See more01/02/2022
The Ethical Perception Research aims to measure the assimilation of employees in relation to ethics and integrity in the Company.
See more27/12/2021
UN Global Compact launches 100% Transparency Movement and invites companies to take on anti-corruption commitments and targets
See more13/12/2021
Awards is an initiative of the CGU, in partnership with the Ethos Institute, and brings together since 2010 the companies that stand out in actions to prevent corruption in the business sector; in this edition 327 companies register for awards
See more06/12/2021
MRV reinforces through campaign its commitment not to allow any act of harassment, moral or sexual, in the environment and in work relationships.
See more09/09/2021
Together with companies in the field of Engineering and Construction, MRV adhered to the commitment to consolidate an ethical environment, integrity and permanent fight against corruption.
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