
MRV Engenharia joins the United Nations Global Compact

The Compact foresees the alignment of strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption

A national leader in the affordable properties segment, MRV Engenharia took yet another step in supporting international corporate sustainability initiatives.  On past Thursday, April 19, 2016, we joined the United Nations Global Compact, a compact 
developed by the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, to call the international corporate community in adopting, in their business practices, fundamental, internationally accepted values in the areas of de human rights, labor relations, environment, and anti corruption.
By supporting the Compact, MRV Engenharia joins more than 12,000 signatory organizations coordinated under approximately 150 networks around the world committed to make responsible businesses, and take strategic actions to advance broader social goals, with emphasis on cooperation and innovation.
Responsible for signing the Compact, CEO Eduardo Fischer highlights that this step is yet another commitment assumed by our company in disclosing and complying with responsible social and environmental initiatives in our operations. “This is our contribution 
to build a fairer and more sustainable market. Drawing on the Global Compact, we will be in a position to assess, implement, and give more visibility to the positive initiatives that we adopt inside the company,” he added.
By supporting the Global Compact, MRV Engenharia commits to fundamental and internationally accepted values, defined in ten principles derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Know the principles at http://www.pactoglobal.org.br/artigo/56/Os-10-principios.
MRV Engenharia
Founded in October 1979, in Belo Horizonte, MRV Engenharia is a national leader of the low income real estate segment. During our 36 years in the market we sold more than 275.000 units. We are a sole Brazilian homebuilder present in 142 cities, in 20 states and the Federal District. In 2015, we sold 35.872 units and launched 31.814 projects.

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